Let It Rain Cover
Let It Rain
Shining Light Music
Christian Hard Rock • 2024

This song is about afflictions of the flesh, whether physical or mental, and remembering that no matter what we're going through that Jesus is there and understands. The pain he suffered on the cross for our sins is incomprehensible. In our pain, we should remember his sacrifice and that it's only temporary. So let it rain!

Let It Rain
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In the silence
Heart of the storm
Heartache so real
Feels like a thorn
Ripping flesh
Piercing my soul
In this darkness
I lose control
How much more
Can this body take
Wounds run deep
I'm about to break
The pain I feel
Cuts me right through
Every last tear
Reminds me of You
The pain You suffered
Hanging on that tree
Every drop of blood
You shed them for me
So let it rain
Down on me
Through the pain
Help me see
All that You do
Strengthens me
When I feel You
Holding me
So let it rain
Rain, rain
Let it rain
In the whispers
Of the piercing wind
The memories linger
Of where I've been
Lost in shadows
Of doubt and fear
I find solace
In knowing You're near
Each heartbeat echoes
Up a silent prayer
Through my trials
I know You're there
Your love surrounds me
Like a gentle wave
Lifting me up
From the darkest grave
The pain You suffered
Hanging on that tree
Every drop of blood
You shed them for me
So let it rain
Down on me
Through the pain
Help me see
All that You do
Strengthens me
When I feel You
Holding me
So let it rain
Rain, rain
Let it rain
In the morning
The sun breaks free
A new beginning
For You and me
Hope arising
A bright new dawn
In Your mercy
I find I belong
Every challenge
Steps in Your plan
In Your arms
I know who I am
With every trial
Faith is renewed
In Your love
I am made new
The pain You suffered
Hanging on that tree
Every drop of blood
You shed them for me
So let it rain
Down on me
Through the pain
Help me see
All that You do
Strengthens me
When I feel You
Holding me
So let it rain
Rain, rain
Let it rain
Through every loss
And every fight
You're always there
Each day and night
In Your presence
Down on my face
My every hope
My saving grace
So let it rain
Down on me
Through the pain
Help me see
All that You do
Strengthens me
When I feel You
Holding me
So let it rain
Rain, rain
Let it rain
So let it rain
Down on me
Through the pain
Help me see
All that You do
Strengthens me
When I feel You
Holding me
So let it rain
Rain, rain
Let it rain
© 2024 Drezhn Publishing LLC


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